Focal Investigation & Security Agency Pte Ltd was incorporated on 2 May 1996. The company currently has about 250 full-time Security Officers (SOs) and 350 part-time SOs. The company has intentionally kept a small pool of full-time SOs primarily focused on providing premium security services for selected clients which include banks, financial institutions, data centres, commercial installations, Integrated Resorts/ tourist attractions and government departments.
Acquired by Prosegur
On 1 Oct 2018, the company has been acquired by Prosegur Global SIS ROW S.L. Prosegur is a leading global security services group listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange with a market capitalisation of close to €4.2 billion and currently active in the provision of integrated security services (manned guarding, corporate technology), alarm monitoring, cash in transit and cyber security. With an international footprint comprising 24 countries in 5 continents, Prosegur generated sales of €4.3 billion and EBIT of €390 Mn in 2017. The current shareholders, the Company and its existing management are confident that Prosegur will bring on board the fullest capabilities, expertise and experience for us to build on our business and grow our relationship with you.